Final Major Project:
My Final Major Project is a game concept called “Grimm”, Grimm is a 2D thriller mystery game, set in an alternate version of Dartmoor where mythological creatures are real and live amongst humans.
The Story follows Morgan, a recent graduate living in the small village of Crowstone with his Grandma and friends, however the picturesque village has a dark side as people have been going missing more and more. When someone close to morgan is taken he must slowly unravel the dangerous mystery that has plagued the sleepy village however Morgan hides a supernatural secret, he is actually a Black Dog, a creature from English myth that is said to be a terrible omen. Will he and his friends be able to solve the mystery and save the village before the evil takes over? Or will his secret be revealed and the evil blamed on him?
My project focuses on pre-production, so i have been creating the character designs, creature designs, storyboard and animatics of the cutscenes i planned and environment designs.
Part of my project was Animatics that i created to show what
possible cutscenes could be. To watch these Animatics, you can
click on the button below which will take you to the Animatics.
Main Characters
Morgan Delaney
Morgan Delaney is the main character of GRIMM. He’s a recent graduate who studied Illustration, having now left university he works freelance as a illustrator and sells custom leather-bound books. I chose to make him an artist because I wanted him to subvert expectations and feel slightly out of place in a thriller game, since his fearsome true form of the black dog contrasts with his true personality.
Abigail Caldwell
Abigail is one of the main supporting cast in GRIMM, she is also a recent graduate of university, she studied fashion .
Her interest in fashion stems from her true form of a Selkie, Selkies are shape shifters who can shift from seal to human, when in a human form they have the coat of their Selkie form and all their power comes from that coat, therefore this coat is very precious and she makes sure to wear this coat constantly. Being able to shapeshift her coat into different styles allows her to create a jacket for every outfit which sparked her interest in fashion.
Colby Lobera
Colby is a recent graduate of an advertising course and works as a junior designer for a small company, he is one of the main supporting cast in GRIMM. Colby’s more confusing traits can be explained by his supernatural ability of True Seeing which allows him to see people's true nature and tell if they are lying. Because of this Colby can appear to be brash or rude to some people out of nowhere if they are hiding something or lying. This ability can also be tiring which only encourages his more reclusive behaviours.
Because the story of GRIMM is set in a small and close knit village, I knew I wanted some characters to populate the game that the main cast could interact with. These characters would be available in different places around the village and would all react differently to the main characters' investigation. This, I hope, would encourage the player to consider and plan out encounters carefully and try out different strategies